Shamanic Energy Healing to Suit Your Specific Needs

CranioSacral System:
The CranioSacral System of the body is a semi-closed hydraulic system contained within a tough membrane (Dura Mater), enveloping the brain and spinal cord. This system is connected to the entire body through the Myofascial System. An important function of the CranioSacral System is the production, circulation, and reabsorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CFS), along with controlling physiological functioning of the body.
Myofascial System:
The Myofascial System is a three-dimensional web of connective tissue that is one long continuous sheet of fascia starting at the top of the head and ending at the tip of the toes. It surrounds and invades every tissue and organ of the body, including nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and bones. The fascia of the body has a tensile strength of 2000 psi and is comprised of two components. One is a tough, fibrous material and the other is an elastic, stretchy material, both essential in the functioning of the fascial system.
CranioSacral Rhythm:
Normally, the production and reabsorption of CSF produce a continuous rise and fall of pressure within the Dura Mater. This causes a natural rhythm felt throughout the body via the fascial system. Valuable information can be gained by monitoring the amplitude, symmetry, rate, and quality of the craniosacral motion.
A restriction is an area of the body where fascia has lost its elastic quality and becomes bound down, due to injury, stress, repetitive trauma, and inflammation or sustained poor posture. Restrictions can hinder the natural movement of the CranioSacral System causing it to function less optimally.
Restrictions within or around the CranioSacral System can result in sensory, motor and/or neurological dysfunction. Since bones are slaves to the muscles/soft tissue, then restrictions within the soft tissue can restrict the function of the bones. Fascial and boney restrictions can be the underlying cause of most chronic pain problems that have not responded to traditional medical interventions.
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, manual technique that frees the CranioSacral System of fascial and boney restrictions which hinder its natural state, allowing the system to work optimally. The pressure applied by the therapist’s hands is very light, approximately the weight of a nickel (5 grams).
Treatments are usually enhanced with a home program of exercises and self-help techniques, which help to maintain gains and promote healthy habits that will continue beyond the need for therapy.
SomatoEmotional Release (SER):
It has been suggested that independent retention of the energy or memory of physical and emotional trauma is accomplished by specific body parts, regions and viscera. The SER process is initiated by hands-on communication between therapist and client, which then allows the expression of emotion that has been retained, suppressed and isolated within the body. Some liken the process to body psychotherapy. SER is used in conjunction with CST to assist the client in a full recovery
In general, acute cases will resolve within a few treatments. The longer the restriction has been present, the longer it will take to resolve it. Many chronic conditions many require three to four months (or longer) of treatment sessions; 1-2x/week initially and decreasing to less often, as it is appropriate. Some clients choose to continue with monthly sessions to assist them in progressing along a path of health and enhanced wellness.
Side Effects:
Each individual is uniquely impacted by CST, therefore effects of treatment will vary. This work may elicit a relaxed state and the desire to sleep for many hours after a session. Others may experience a reduction of pain, and an increase in energy and in function. It is common for improvement to continue weeks after a session, for CST helps the body resume its natural healing process. There may be a reorganization phase as the body adapts to the release of previously held patterns, and so one may experience increased pain, discomfort, nausea or lightheadedness, up to a day after a treatment session. Often, a remarkable improvement is noted after that. It is highly recommended one drink a quart of water for every 50 pounds of body weight per day to re-hydrate your body and assist it in its healing process.
Upledger, J.E. & Vredevoogd, J.D. (1987) (sixth Printing). CranioSacral Therap. Seattle, Washington: Eastland Press.
Upledger, J.E. (1990). SomatoEmotional Release and Beyond. Palm Beach Gardens, Fl. UI Publishing.
The Raindrop Technique® is a powerful, non-invasive tool for assisting the body in correcting deficits in and around the spine. It also significantly benefits other body systems, including the mental and emotional function of the brain.
This technique was developed by Gary Young in the 1980s integrating Vita Flex and massage. It utilizes the power of essential oils in bringing the body into structural and electrical alignment.
The oils are dispensed like little drops of rain and are lightly massaged along the vertebrae and back muscles. Although the entire process takes about one hour, the oils will continue to work in the body for up to one week following treatment.
Raindrop Technique® is not a magic bullet cure-all.
This technique will complement a well-rounded program of exercises, rest, and proper nutrition.
The recommended frequency of receiving the Raindrop massage may vary. If you have a healthy lifestyle, exercise regularly, get proper sleep, and eat well you may respond to this treatment more readily and your body may retain the benefits of the treatment longer; in which case you would be able to put more time between sessions. Others may need monthly sessions until their body is able to retain the benefits of the treatment.
- Reduces pain
- Reduces inflammation
- Helps to relieve stress
- Helps improve immune function
- May facilitate the release of pent-up negative emotions
- May help to prevent bacterial and viral causes of spinal misalignment
- Helps improve circulation
- Oregano – anti-viral, anti-fungal, immune stimulant
- Thyme – anti-microbial, anti-viral, anti-parasitic
- Basil – anti-spasmodic, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxant
- Cypress – improves, circulation and strengthens capillaries
- Wintergreen - reduces blood pressure, analgesic
- Marjoram – vasodilator, expectorant, promotes peristalsis
- Peppermint – pain relief, stimulates digestion
- Valor – helps body self-correct, balance energy
- Aroma Siez – treats tight, inflamed, achy, spasmed muscles
Note: If you have sensitivities to any of the above-listed oils, we can substitute other essential oils in for the oils you have sensitivities to.
CAUTION: This technique helps to detox your body. Therefore, you may get the side effects of that detox (nausea, headache, diarrhea) especially if you do not drink 8-10 cups of water the day before, the day of, and the day after your Raindrop session.
Essential Oils Desk reference. 2016 (Seventh edition). Life Science Publishing

Reiki is a method of natural healing based on the application of Universal Life Force Energy to promote healing and enhance wellness.
The Origins of Reiki Healing:
In the 1800’s Mikao Usui, a Christian minister in Kyoto, Japan meditated on Mt, Koriyama in Japan for three weeks. During this time period, he received the symbols that are used today by Reiki Practitioners to promote healing. He named this healing energy Reiki, which is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy. He began to take his newfound healing method on foot around Japan, performing healings, and teaching this method of healing to others.
Reiki is not a Religion. It is a hands-on healing technique.
How does it work?
All organic living beings on Earth have Universal Life Force Energy. Some call it Ch’I or Ki, which is referred to as energy or an electromagnetic field. Some can see this field as an aura around the body. It indicates life.
During a Reiki treatment, the Universal Life Force Energy is channeled by the practitioner to the client’s body. The client will absorb this energy and apply it to areas that need assistance. The practitioner does not ‘direct’ the energy. The practitioner only offers the energy to the body and the body will take what it needs and apply it to the area in need of healing.
For example, If the client has an emotional issue that needs healing, the practitioner will perform the hand holds all along the body, not knowing exactly which area of the body needs that energy to heal that emotional wound. The client may not know which area needs the healing energy. The body will direct the energy to wherever the deficits are.
Reiki Principles: (There are many versions of this)
- Today I will let go of anger
- Today I will let go of worry
- Today I will be kind to my neighbor and every living thing
- Today I will give thanks for my many blessings
Stein, D. (1996). Essential Reiki: A complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art . Freedom, CA: The Crossing Press Inc.